Relation between Blood Pressure Control and Insulin Secretion Markers among Elderly Diabetic Females

Document Type : Original Article


1 Geriatrics and Gerontology Department, Faculty of Medicine- Ain Shams University ,Ain Shams Ageing Research Center

2 Clinical Pathology Department, Ain Shams University Hospitals


Background: Hypertension is a common condi tion among elderly individuals, of ten present concur rently wi th
diabetes or a part of metabol ic syndrome, and each can accelerate the progression of the other. The importance of
identi fying the relation between blood pressure cont rol and i nsul in secretion abi l i ties is of utmost importance to
decrease progression of vascular compl ications among diabetics.
Aim: To identi fy the prevalence of hypertension and detect the relation between blood pressure cont rol and insul in
secretion markers including C-peptide (CP) levels and C-peptide index (CPI ) among elderly diabetic females
Methods: A cross sectional study conducted f rom the fi rst of October, 2014 to the end of March, 2016, where 163
elderly diabetic females were recrui ted f rom the Inpatient wards of Ain shams universi ty hospi tal at that time. They
underwent careful history taking, blood pressure measurement and assessment of insul in secretion including
fasting serum C-peptide and CPI measurement in addi tion to assessment of glycemic cont rol b y fasting blood
sugar (FBS) estimation.
Results: 82.8 % of our participants were hypertensives, 32.5% had uncont rol led systol ic blood pressure and
33.7% had uncont rol led diastol ic blood pressure, there was statistical ly signi ficant di fference between uncon t rol led
and control led systol ic and diastol ic blood pressure as regard insul in secretion indicators including fasting serum
CP level and CPI .
Conclusions: Hyper tension is a common heal th problem among diabetic female geriat ric population, and i ts
presence and even cont rol could be related to insul in secretion markers such as fasting serum C -peptide level and
CPI value.
