Malnutrition and its Relation to Food System among Elderly Home Male Residents in Cairo, Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Geriatrics and Gerontology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Ain Shams Ageing Research Center

2 Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo

3 Geriatrics and Gerontology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo,Ain Shams Ageing Research Center


Background: Malnut ri tion in insti tutional ized elderly is of individual and publ ic co ncern since i t negatively affects
heal th outcome and qual i ty of l i fe and is often preventable. Assessing this problem is an impor tant step of the
res i den ts ’ assessment to combat morbid sequences .
Aim: Assessing the nut ri tional status and i ts association wi th the food system for male residents of elderly homes
in Cai ro, Egypt .
Methods: 200 male residents were randomly selected f rom 7 elderly homes in Cai ro. Data was col lected via
questionnai res, including demographic characteristics, and past medical histor y. The MNA questionnai re was used
to gather information regarding nut ri tional risk. Focused dietary assessment and assessing the feeding system in
the elderly home using a questionnai re was performed.
Results: Among the 200 participants, 17(8.5%) were maln our ished, 96 (48%) were at risk of malnut ri tion and 87
(43.5%) were wel l nourished. The presence of ref rigerators and eating in dining room were signi ficantly associated
wi th good nut ri tional status.
Conclusions: The high prevalence of nut ri tional risk mandates regular screening of elder ly home residents. This
wi l l al low early nut ri tional intervention and timely prevent ion of fur ther nut ri tional and functional deterioration. The
relation between nutri tional risk and the food system requi res increased awaren ess of proper food system
characteristics in a residential care faci l i ty
