Background: Elderly people are especial ly prone to the adverse heal th ef fects of chronic obst ructive pulmonary disease (COPD) , which is a common disorder in that population. Al though the prevalence and morbidi ty of COPD in the elderly are high, i t is of ten undiagnosed. Aim: To evaluate the prevalence of ai rway obst ruction among asymptomatic elderly. Methods: A cross sectional study was carried over a period of one year where 100 elderly patients aged 60 years and older were recrui ted f rom the outpatiens geriaric cl inic in Ain Shams Universi ty Hospi tal . Each patient underwent detai led history taking including smoking history and medication review, detai led general medical examination and cogni tive assessment by Mini - mental status examination test. Elderly wi th a physician diagnosis of asthma, COPD or another chronic respi rato ry condi tion were excluded. Al l subjects completed spi romet ry testing to diagnose ai rway obst ruction. . Results: The sample included 100 participants wi th a mean age of 64.3±3.1years, 52% male and 48% female, mean body mass index was 29.3 ±1.5 and mean mini mental state examination 24.45± 2.3. As regard smoking 61% never smoked. 9% ex -smoker and 30% current smoker . Spi rometery in the cur rent study demonst rated that 72% had obst ructed ai rway disease (none of them were diagnosed previously to have chronic bron chi tis) classi fied to mi ld, moderate and severe (35%, 33%, 4%) respectively. Conclusions: Spi romet ry screening of asymptomatic elderly may help detection of individuals wi th ai rway obst ruction, who are at high risk of developing COPD. Addi tional data is n ecessary regarding the cl inical benefi t and cost -effective of screening before spi romet ry can be recommended in general practice. Background: Elderly people are especial ly prone to the adverse heal th ef fects of chronic obst ructive pulmonary disease (COPD) , which is a common disorder in that population. Al though the prevalence and morbidi ty of COPD in the elderly are high, i t is of ten undiagnosed. Aim: To evaluate the prevalence of ai rway obst ruction among asymptomatic elderly. Methods: A cross sectional study was carried over a period of one year where 100 elderly patients aged 60 years and older were recrui ted f rom the outpatiens geriaric cl inic in Ain Shams Universi ty Hospi tal . Each patient underwent detai led history taking including smoking history and medication review, detai led general medical examination and cogni tive assessment by Mini - mental status examination test. Elderly wi th a physician diagnosis of asthma, COPD or another chronic respi rato ry condi tion were excluded. Al l subjects completed spi romet ry testing to diagnose ai rway obst ruction. . Results: The sample included 100 participants wi th a mean age of 64.3±3.1years, 52% male and 48% female, mean body mass index was 29.3 ±1.5 and mean mini mental state examination 24.45± 2.3. As regard smoking 61% never smoked. 9% ex -smoker and 30% current smoker . Spi rometery in the cur rent study demonst rated that 72% had obst ructed ai rway disease (none of them were diagnosed previously to have chronic bron chi tis) classi fied to mi ld, moderate and severe (35%, 33%, 4%) respectively. Conclusions: Spi romet ry screening of asymptomatic elderly may help detection of individuals wi th ai rway obst ruction, who are at high risk of developing COPD. Addi tional data is n ecessary regarding the cl inical benefi t and cost -effective of screening before spi romet ry can be recommended in general practice.
HS, S., HM, T., M, R., & Abdelhamid, E. (2017). Spirometry Screening for Respiratory Obstruction in Asymptomatic Elderly. The Egyptian Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology, 4(1), 19-23. doi: 10.21608/ejgg.2017.5349
Sweed HS; Taha HM; Riad M; E. Abdelhamid. "Spirometry Screening for Respiratory Obstruction in Asymptomatic Elderly", The Egyptian Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology, 4, 1, 2017, 19-23. doi: 10.21608/ejgg.2017.5349
HS, S., HM, T., M, R., Abdelhamid, E. (2017). 'Spirometry Screening for Respiratory Obstruction in Asymptomatic Elderly', The Egyptian Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology, 4(1), pp. 19-23. doi: 10.21608/ejgg.2017.5349
HS, S., HM, T., M, R., Abdelhamid, E. Spirometry Screening for Respiratory Obstruction in Asymptomatic Elderly. The Egyptian Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology, 2017; 4(1): 19-23. doi: 10.21608/ejgg.2017.5349